Natural Beauty - Invigorating, Rejuvenating - Body Beauty
Natural Beauty - Invigorating, Rejuvenating - Did you know that the average person has no idea how to replenish, restore and maintain a youthful body and appearance? In fact, most of us don't die, we commit suicide? Yes, this is true; we do great harm to our bodies, consciously and/or unconsciously. I believe we would do better if we knew better.
1. We eat the wrong foods, not to mention the quality of the foods we do eat. And, did I mention the quantity?
2. We don't get sunshine, fresh air or exercise enough.
3. We don't relax and rest our bodies enough.
4. When we feel bad we take all sorts of medications and drugs; and even when we don't feel ill.
5. Often, we drink more than our share of sugary drinks, caffeine and alcoholic beverages.
6. We think hatred, revenge, jealously, sabotage, destruction, and even worse.
7. We deplete our own body of vital life sustaining energy called Life Force without restoring it.
Okay, I want to share a few tips with you so you can start bringing out and experiencing your natural beauty with ease. Darling, you don't have to buy anything-remember, this is NATURAL BEAUTY, it's already there. The most important aspect of this process of acquiring and maintaining NATURAL BEAUTY is the ability to tap into the energy of the Universe.
Are you ready? Go outside into the fresh air or stand near an open window, looking outside. Stand straight, stretch your arms out to each side and keep them level with your shoulders. Turn the palm of the left hand up to draw energy from the atmosphere. The right palm will be turned down-one is giving the other is receiving. Spread your legs apart wide and keep your head erect; please do not strain yourself, though. Look out, breath deeply and become one with nature; knowing that you are part of the vastness that you see and feel. Maintain this exercise for three to five minutes twice a day.
Because this exercise works automatically you don't have to think about anything in particular. What you're doing is allowing your body to be replenished with Universal Life Energy. You see, we feel bad and age prematurely because we use up most of our Life Force, our energy without replenishing it. I want you to live your life full-out and that includes thinking abundantly, feeling fabulous and looking gorgeous. Now that you know how to make mental contact with the Universe and it's Life Energy please follow these steps to replenish and rejuvenate each cell of your body with energy from within and from without.
Sit in a comfortable chair after you've completed the above exercise. Feel the Life Energy flowing through your body as you think, feel and see it being directed into the brain and every organ in the body; which includes your skin and complexion.
Since your body is chiseled out of your thoughts and actions let your thoughts guide you as you think beauty, youth, loveliness, vitality, health, longevity and laughter. The entire process, including the first exercise should be no more than fifteen minutes. Now you're ready to implement these steps into your daily routine.
* Start eating fresh live foods in smaller portions.
* Participate in a fun, energetic sport at least three times a week.
* Get your beauty rest; it's vital to looking youthful.
* Stop taking every new drug that comes on the market.
* Drink sugary drinks, caffeine and alcoholic beverages in moderation.
* Think love, harmony, peace, happiness, friendship, trust and prosperity.
As you repeat this process daily you will start noticing a remarkable transformation in how you're thinking and feeling about yourself and your new direction regarding your gorgeousness. And darling, who knows, perhaps you'll tap into your gloriousness as well.
ChloƩ Taylor Brown is the president of Total Image Enhancement, a lifestyle specialist and business development firm in Atlanta, Georgia--USA. She is an image enhancement specialist, life by design POWER coach, author, and speaker. Her secret formula is her gift of combining personal experiences with cutting-edge techniques and systems to deliver powerful keynotes, presentations and workshops that get people out of their head and into their life.
Natural Beauty - Invigorating, Rejuvenating